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Structure of Exception Business Documents for BAPIs
An exception business document is returned to the sender if the BAPI call could not be processed without application errors. This means that the BAPI return parameter contains at least one message of type E (error) or A (abort). In this case, the exception business document contains only the error descriptions.
These error descriptions have the following characteristics:
*Error messages of the BAPI return parameter are displayed as serialized exception objects on XML level. So the representation of the error description in the exception business document differs from the original BAPI return structure. Messages of type E are represented as exceptions with name BapiError. Messages of type A are represented as exceptions with the name BapiAbort.
*Status messages (messages of the type S, I, or W) that are also part of the Return parameter are still returned as the return parameter structure.
All status messages will be mapped to the BAPIRET2 structure.
*The export parameters of the BAPI are not taken into account.
The detailed structure of the Exception business documents depends on whether the return parameter is a structure or a table.