Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Generating Document Types | Generating Document Types for IDocs | Generating a Document Type from a Sample IDoc | Retrieving the Created Pipeline Image
Retrieving the Created Pipeline Image
*To retrieve the pipeline image you created
1. In Designer, create a new flow service in the same way you created app.idocs:mapOrders02.
2. Select the Flow tab.
3. Select the icon on the Flow Pane toolbar and select the pub.flow:restorePipeline service. If the service does not appear in the list, select Invoke to locate it. The service will retrieve the contents of the pipeline you saved previously.
4. Set the $name input field of the service to the name of the saved pipeline and select OK.
5. As the next step of the service, insert:
If IDoc sent to Adapter for SAP
Service Name
Service Location
over http
over tRFC from an SAP System
from the sample page /WmSAP/submitIDocXMLhtml
6. Click the icon to save the flow service.
7. Execute the service and then select the Results tab and locate the document variable. It should contain the data of your IDoc.
8. Create an empty Document Type and copy the IDoc structure just captured:
a. Select the root document defined within document. In this example, the root document is ORDERS02.
b. Select Edit > Copy to make a copy of the root document.
c. Switch back to the empty document type and mark the empty pane on the right hand side. Select Edit > Paste to paste the structure of the captured IDoc into your document type.
d. Click the icon to save the document type.