Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Generating Document Types | Generating Document Types for IDocs | Generating an IDoc Document Type from an XML Document
Generating an IDoc Document Type from an XML Document
*To create an IDoc document type from an XML document
1. In Designer, select File > New > Document Type.
2. Select the parent namespace and name for the document type. Click Next.
3. From the list of source files, select XML. Click Next.
4. To select the source location, do one of the following in the File/URL field:
*To create the document type from an XML document on your local file system, type the path and file name, or click the Browse button to navigate to and select the file.
*To create the document type from an XML document that resides on the Internet, type the URL of the resource. The URL you specify must begin with http: or https:
5. Click Finish.
If your IDoc is earlier than Version 3, edit the document type to remove the “40” designation from the control header element. For example, change EDI_DC40 to EDI_DC.