Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Connections | Configuring Adapter Connections
Configuring Adapter Connections
Use the following procedure to define the parameters that Adapter for SAP will use to establish a connection to an SAP system. Adapter for SAP requires a connection to the SAP system whenever functionality from the SAP system is to be invoked; that is whenever Adapter for SAP acts as a client for an SAP system. But also when Adapter for SAP receives a call from an SAP system, it needs to make a call back to the calling system to look up the function interface or IDoc definition from the SAP Data Dictionary (DDIC).
*To configure an adapter connection
1. In the Adapters menu in the Integration Server Administrator navigation area, click Adapter for SAP.
2. On the Connections screen, click Configure New Connection.
3. On the Connection Type screen, click RFC Connection as the connection type.
4. For a basic connection, complete the following fields in Adapter for SAP section:
Package in which to create the connection. You must create the package using Designer before you use in this parameter. For information about creating packages, see webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
Configure the connection in a user-defined package rather than in the adapter's package. See Package Management for other important considerations when creating packages for Adapter for SAP.
Folder Name
Folder in which to create the connection.
5. In the Connection Properties section, complete the following fields using the values from your configured SAP system:
Connection Alias
RFC connection name. This is the name by which the SAP system are known to Adapter for SAP developers, clients, and partners.
The Connection Alias must be unique for each connection.
User Name
SAP default user for this RFC adapter connection. If no other SAP user name is provided during runtime then this SAP user account is used to execute the client request in the SAP System.
The default user of Adapter for SAP Connection is also used to execute lookups to the DDIC for RFC, BOR and ALE metadata. So, it is necessary to set an SAP logon user with the authorization to the following SAP standard function groups: RFC1, SDIF, SG00, and SRFC.
It is a recommended best practice to set a technical SAP user account with the minimum necessary set of authorizations as the SAP default user. If the execution of an RFC adapter service requires additional access rights then the name of an SAP user with sufficient rights must be passed during runtime.
SAP password of the default user.
Repository User Name
SAP repository user for this RFC adapter connection. If a repository user is provided, all meta data and repository lookups are executed with this user account. This field is optional.
Repository Password
Password of the SAP user specified in the Repository User Name field.
Three-digit SAP client number.
SAP language code. This field is optional. If connecting to a version 3 SAP system, this is one character. For a version 4 or later SAP system, it is two characters.
6. To configure logon properties, complete one of the following steps:
*Complete the following fields to set up the group logon:
Load Balancing
*Select On to activate the group login concept. Complete the remaining fields in the section.
*Select Off to connect to one dedicated application server. Skip to "Complete the following fields to set up the single server logon:" in step 6.
Logon Group
Name of the group you want to login.
Message Server Host
Host name or IP address of the message server.
Message Server Service
Optional. Message server service or port number. Message Server Service can be used instead of the System ID field.
System ID
Optional. System ID of the SAP system or SID. System ID field can be used instead of the Message Server Service field.
*Complete the following fields to set up the single server logon:
Application Server
IP address or host name of the SAP system.
System Number
SAP system number (00-99).
*Complete the following fields if you are using an external RFC Server:
*The settings must point either to the Gateway at which this RFC server is registered or to the Repository Server selected.
*The load balancing and single server logon settings are ignored if you configure an RFC server.
External RFC Server
*Select On to use an external RFC server. Complete the remaining fields in the section.
*Select Off if you do not want to connect use an external RFC server.
Program ID
Program ID of the external RFC Server
Gateway Host
Gateway Host for accessing your RFC Server. Must be the IP- or DN-address of the Gateway the RFC Server is registered on.
Gateway Service
Value corresponds to the system number of the RFC Server. The format is sapgwXXX, where XX is a value from 00 to 99.
For example: sapgw07 or sapgw00s
Repository Server
Value is the SAP server taken from the existing SAP system list. All repository lookups such as metadata lookups for structures and function interfaces are done there. This helps using third-party RFC Servers from Adapter for SAP as client. They can provide their functionality without being extended by a specific interface, for example: RFC_GET_FUNCTION_INTERFACE
Any server program that is enabled for RFC communication can be an external RFC Server. In order to use an external RFC Server with Adapter for SAP, the RFC Server must implement at least the following function modules:
*RFC_GET_STRUCTURE_DEFINITION (if the server is running with a 3.x Lib)
*DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET (if the server is running with a 4.x Lib)
The last three function modules are required only if the RFC Server is to be its own Repository Server.
7. Complete the following fields to enable security(Optional):
SNC Enabled
Determines whether this server should use Secure Network Communications (SNC). Possible Values are:
*No. Default
SNC Quality of Service
SNC Quality of service, possible values:
*Use global built-in default settings.
*Plain text, but authorization.
*Each data packet will be integrity protected.
*Each data packet will be privacy protected.
*Use maximum available security.
SNC Name
Your own SNC name if you do not want to use the default SNC name. This is the name you chose when generating a Personal Security Environment (PSE).
SNC Partner Name
SNC name of the SNC partner (RFC server) or SNC name of the message server (Load Balancing).
SNC Authentication
Select one of the following possible SNC authentication types:
*User and Password. Uses the username and password fields for authentication. If the SNC mode is enabled, then SNC is specifically used to encrypt the connection data and not for authentication. SSO authentication is not used.
*SNC Credential. Uses the credential in the SNC PSE file for the authentication if the SNC mode is enabled.
At runtime, if a valid X.509 certificate is available in the current HTTPS Integration Server session, the X.509 certificate takes precedence over the credentials in the SNC PSE file.
*X.509 Certificate. Uses the X.509 certificate available in the current HTTPS Integration Server session for authentication.
At runtime, if a valid X.509 certificate is not available in the current HTTPS Integration Server session and the SNC mode is enabled, the credentials in the SNC PSE file is used for authentication.
8. Optionally, set SAP Router String:
SAP Router String
SAP router string. The router string contains a substring for each SAP Router to set up a connection in the route: the host name, the port name, and the password, if one was given.
For example: /H/, where H indicates the host name.
The SAP router string is only needed if a firewall exists between the SAP System and Integration Server. For more information on configuring the SAP router, go to the SAP Service Marketplace at:
9. Optionally, complete the advanced settings for the connection:
Use SAPGui
Run with/without/hide the SAP GUI between two RFC functions. Possible values are:
*Off. Default. Run without SAP GUI between two RFC functions.
*On. Run with SAP GUI between two RFC functions.
*Hidden. Run an invisible SAP GUI between two RFC functions.
RFC Trace
Enables the creation of RFC trace information for this client connection. Possible values are:
*Off. Default.
For detailed information on using the RFC trace, see Logging and Monitoring.
Log Transaction Status
Switch to save the processed logs. Possible values are:
*Off. Default. Processed logs are not saved, although a transaction is created (or maintained), and the transaction can be monitored later on in the transaction list.
Setting this switch to Off reduces the amount of disk space needed and the time it takes to log the transaction status. It still allows you to check the current transaction status on Adapter for SAP.
Store Message Body
Switch to store the message body of the incoming document to disk. Possible values are:
*Off. Default. Message body of the incoming document is not stored to disk, although a transaction is created (or maintained), and the transaction can be monitored later on in the transaction list.
Setting this switch to Off reduces the amount of disk space needed and the time it takes to persist the message body. It still allows you to track the message status on Adapter for SAP.
Note:Adapter for SAP 10.1 does not support the ABAP Debugger utility. Instead, use the external debugger provided with SAP 6.2 and later versions.
10. Click Save Connection to commit these changes.