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Displaying a BAPI Parameter
By selecting a specific parameter from the list of parameters provided on the BAPI detail page, you can display additional information for this parameter.
Internal Name
Parameter name of the underlying RFC.
The use-direction of the parameter is displayed. BAPIs use importing, exporting and changing (= importing and exporting) parameters.
If the flag Optional is set to true, you can omit this parameter in an XML message. Usually, the implementation inside the SAP system uses specific default values for optional parameters that were omitted.
If the flag Table is set to true, this parameter may consist of several lines. Each line has the data type specified in the ABAP Dictionary Type field.
ABAP Dictionary Type
The ABAP Dictionary Type is a link to the data type description used for this parameter. This may be a whole structure or just a field of a structure. By following the hyperlink, you will always see the whole structure.