Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Coding Client Applications and Services | Calling a BAPI Synchronously from SAP System | Specifying a Second Routing Notification for the BAPI
Specifying a Second Routing Notification for the BAPI
To handle the inbound XML message, which will now be sent back to the local Integration Server, you have to specify a second routing notification for the BAPI:
*To specify a second routing notification for the BAPI
1. In the input field at the end of the page, enter the following data:
a. Sender: CERCLNT800.
b. Receiver: CERCLNT750.
c. msgType: CompanyCode.GetList.
2. Select BAPI in the Transport field.
3. Select the SAP system to which the message should be routed from the drop down list.
When executing the program in the SAP system, Adapter for SAP sends the HTTP Request to the remote host, which looks similar to the following:
POST /invoke/ HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 [en] (WinNT; I)
Accept: image/gif, */*
Host: localhost:90
Content-type: application/x-sap.busdoc
Cookie: ssnid=553891555519
Content-length: 817
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<biztalk_1 xmlns="urn:biztalk-org:biztalk:biztalk_1">
<doc:CompanyCode.GetList xmlns:doc="urn:sapcom:
document:sap:business" xmlns="">
When using the Integration Server as the remote partner as described above, the BAPI will be executed in the selected system, the exporting and changing parameters will be put in an XML response document and sent back to the calling SAP system.
The report will then display the parameters received from the remote system, which in this case is a list of company codes.