Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Coding Client Applications and Services | Calling a BAPI Synchronously from SAP System | Preparing a Routing Notification for the BAPI Call
Preparing a Routing Notification for the BAPI Call
Before executing the report in the section Calling a BAPI Synchronously from SAP System, you should specify a routing notification to the XML transport. You can send the XML message to any server that is able to process the HTTP Post message and send back a correct response. In this example, the call will be sent back to the locally installed Integration Server to demonstrate its inbound XML processing capabilities.
*To prepare a routing notification for the BAPI call
1. Open Designer and select New > Adapter Notification. Click Next.
2. Select Adapter for SAP from the list of available adapter types. Click Next.
3. From the list of available templates, select Routing Notification. Click Next.
4. Select the routing listener Click Next.
5. Enter a name and select a folder where the routing notification should be stored.
6. Select any service that should be invoked by this notification. Click Next and then Finish.
The service you selected in step 6 will only be used if the outbound transport that is chosen in your routing notification is "IS". For all other outbound transports, this selection will be overridden by a transport specific service.
7. In the input fields at the top of the page, enter the following data:
a. Sender: CERCLNT800.
b. Receiver: CERCLNT750.
d. Select XML in the Transport field.
8. Specify a URL for the target system. To test the functionality using your local Integration Server's Inbound processing, enter: http://localhost:5555/invoke/ (note that in some cases you have to adjust the port 5555 to your current settings).
a. Select dialect bXML for the xmlType parameter.
b. Select Yes for the useBAPI parameter.
c. Enter "CompanyCode" for the objectName parameter.
d. Enter "GetList" for the bapiName.
e. Click the Save button.