Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | SAP Client Services |
Confirms the transaction specified by the TID on the specified SAP system.
This service must be called after a transactional invoke in order to complete a transaction on the target system.
Input Parameter
Alias of the SAP system that sends the TID. This name must match a configured RFC connection alias at Adapter for SAP.
Transaction ID to be confirmed.
Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password will be looked up in the SAP User store.
Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.
Return Values
This service is used in tRFC client scenarios in order to confirm a transaction which is executed completely.
1. Invoke clientCreateTID. This service creates an SAP-conformant TID. It is necessary to have one, otherwise you cannot invoke the function module with clientInvokeTransaction. If you have already obtained a TID, you must use that one in order to guarantee that the transaction is executed only once.
2. Invoke clientInvokeTransaction. This service invokes the given function module as a tRFC on the SAP system specified by serverName. The TID is passed as a parameter on this call.
3. Invoke clientConfirmTID. Confirms that the transaction is completed. Pass the same serverName and $tid value on this call.