Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | Specifications |
To allow routing for incoming XML documents, the user must provide a service that implements this specification.
This service will be called prior to selecting the right routing notification by the routing listener.
Input Parameters
- OR -
XML Node object that can be generated by calling pub.xml:xmlStringToXMLNode and is automatically generated when posting an XML document via HTTP (using text/xml).
XML in hierarchical structure.
Return Values
XML in hierarchical structure.
Contains the sender value as determined by this XML routing info service.
Contains the receiver value as determined by this XML routing info service.
Contains the message type value as determined by this XML routing info service.
TID of the transaction as determined by this XML routing info service.
Optional. The transaction state as determined by this XML routing info service. One of the following codes:
*1 - Execute (default)
*4 - Confirm