Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | Transport Services |
Executes a BAPI in an SAP system. This transport service can handle both asynchronous and synchronous execution of a BAPI.
Input Parameters
Optional. Alias of the SAP system to which the connection is established. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at Adapter for SAP.
If serverName is set, it will override the value of transportParams/serverName.
A document with the following key/value pair.
SAP system alias on which to execute the BAPI. The alias must match a configured RFC connection alias at Adapter for SAP.
Allows to restrict the way how the BAPI can be invoked:
no restrictions
Will be executed as the client requested.
synchronous only
Only synchronous call is allowed, if client passes a $tid (indicating an asynchronous call) an exception is thrown.
asynchronous only
Only asynchronous call is allowed, if client does not pass a $tid (indicating a synchronous call) an exception is thrown.
Optional. TID of the transaction.
Optional. Transaction state. Specify one of the following codes:
*1 - Execute (default)
*4 - Confirm
Optional. Name of the SAP system inbound queue. Specify a value in case of a qRFC scenario.
Optional. Name of the business object.
Optional. Name of the BAPI method.
Return Values
A pipeline that represents the response or an exception of the executed BAPI.
Optional. Document created if the BAPI was executed. Contains the BAPI metdata (for example, the internal name, the external name, and the RFC name). It also contains information about whether it is static (yes/no), dialog (yes/no), or factory BAPI (yes/no).
Optional. Document created if the execution of the BAPI caused one or more ABAP exceptions with severity of 3 or higher. The document contains the name, the severity, and the message attributes of the general BAPI failure. It also contains the document attributes that contain the complete collection of all exceptions that have occurred during execution of the BAPI, with a detailed description and the message attributes for each exception.
Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within Adapter for SAP.
Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session's SAP code page.
Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request (true) or a response (false) of a function module.