Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | Transport Services |
Use this service to post an XML document to a specified URL.
This transport service includes pub.client:http that performs HTTP POST. The XML transport is basically used for posting XML documents to external Web servers. If you want to communicate with another webMethods Integration Server, you can use pub.remote:invoke.
Input Parameters
This service requires the following input parameters:
A document with the following key/value pair.
The URL to which to post the document.
The XML dialect to use. Specify Values-XML if you want the XML in webMethods native XML format.
*Specify SAP-XML if you want the XML in a format that is compliant with the SAP XML specification. For an IDoc, IDoc-XML is used; for an RFC, RFCXML (XRFC) is used. Note that the IDoc must be available as input to this service.
*Arbitrary XML allows to post any XML document.
*SOAP XRFCcan be selected as additional XML dialect. This equals to XRFC (RFC-XML) with a SOAP envelope (higher than SOAP 1.1).
Optional. Flag that overwrites the content-type of bXML, XRFC and IDoc-XML to text/xml, if set to true.
Optional. Flag that allows to force the XML rendering engines to use UTF-8 as encoding for the resulting documents.
Optional. User name to supply for a user name/password authentication challenge.
Optional. Password to supply along with httpUser for a user name/password authentication challenge.
ON or OFF. If set to ON, the pipeline is encoded using bXML for Business Objects.
Name of the business object, to which the call is mapped.
Name of the BAPI method, to which the call is mapped.
Optional. An XML document as string, only used if transportParams/xmlType is Arbitrary XML.
Optional. Encoding used by the XML request document.
Optional. Transaction ID. Specify a transaction ID if the document should be sent as a transaction.
Optional. Transaction state. Specify one of the following codes:
*1 - Execute (default)
*4 - Confirm
Return Values
The return values depend on the document that is posted. The return value is a Values object representation of the answer to the posted document.