Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | Transport Services |
Invokes a service on a local or remote webMethods Integration Server.
Input Parameters
A Document with the following key/value pairs.
Folder name for the service to invoke.
Name of the service to invoke.
Optional. Alias of webMethods Integration Server on which the service is to be invoked.
To invoke a service on a remote server:
*Specify the alias for the remote server. The default value is local, which indicates the local server. Use local to invoke a service on the local server that is not password protected.
*To invoke a password protected service on the local server, set up an alias for the local server, specifying a user name and password that has access to the password protected service. Then, specify that alias name.
Optional. The scope for the session. SESSION indicates the connection is to be saved in your own session. GLOBAL indicates the connection is to be saved in a shared area. Use SESSION when the work being performed requires state be maintained.
Pass the message data to this record. If data is not set, the complete pipeline will be passed to the receiving service.
Optional. Transaction ID. Specify a transaction ID if the document should be sent as a transaction.
Optional. One of the following transaction codes:
*1 - Execute (default)
*4 - Confirm
Return Values
The pipeline contains the result of the service that was invoked.