Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | Transport Services |
Receives a message from a remote Integration Server and forwards it to the routing listener, which determines the routing notification to use to route the message based on the sender, receiver, and message type specified in the input parameters.
After determining the routing notification to use, it invokes the flow service that processes the matching routing notification. This can be called with an arbitrary message to pass it on to the routing listener.
It is recommended that you use this service as the receiving point when you are connecting two Integration Servers.
Input Parameters
In addition to the parameters specified below, the input parameters must also include the message to be routed through Adapter for SAP. Use a key for the message that the outbound transport expects.
Sender of a message.
Receiver of the message.
Message type of the message.
Optional. TID of the transaction.
Optional. One of the following transaction codes:
*1 - Execute (default)
*4 - Confirm
Return Values
Depends on transaction and invoked routing notification.