Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | Transaction Administration Services |
Returns a list of transactions from the transaction store that match the filter criteria. Regular expressions are supported to allow flexible filter criteria matching. For more information of regular expressions, see webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
Input Parameters
Optional. Filter criteria: Last creation date of the transaction. The format of this field is the same as the one defined under Settings > Logging > Log Timestamp Format.
Optional. Filter criteria: Earliest creation date of the transaction. The format of this field is the same as the one defined under Settings > Logging > Log Timestamp Format.
Optional. Filter criteria: name of the sender of the transaction.
Optional. Filter criteria: name of the receiver of the transaction.
Optional. Filter criteria: name of the message type of the transaction.
Optional. Filter criteria: state of the transaction.
Optional. Filter criteria: TID of the transaction.
Optional. Specifies the sort key - valid:
*noSort. Default.
The resulting transaction list is sorted by the given attribute.
Optional. Specifies the sort direction. Possible values:
*descending. Triggers a descending sort order.
*Any value other than descending. Triggers ascending sort order.
Return Values
Optional. A Document List containing one document with detail information for each transaction. The following keys are always included:
*date. Date/time, when the state of this transactions was last changed, formatted in the usual "Log Timestamp Format"
Optional. Specifies the sort key - valid:
*noSort. Default.
The resulting transaction list is sorted by the given attribute.
Optional. Specifies the sort direction. Possible values:
*descending. Triggers a descending sort order.
*Any value other than descending. Triggers ascending sort order.