Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | IDoc Services |
Converts the SDATA field from a String object to a Document object and immediately converts the whole list of IDocs to a object for further processing.
With Adapter for SAP 6.5 or higher, the service is only required if you receive an IDoc in the tables representation from a sending system. That is, you have created an RFC adapter notification for function module "IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS" or "INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS".
Input Parameter
SAP system alias which is used as repository for structure information about the IDoc. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at Adapter for SAP.
- OR -
Both keys are Document lists (Tables) containing the control and data tables for the IDoc.
The SDATA field is a Document object containing the keys and values from the segment table (the name of the segment table is specified by the SEGNAM field).
This service handles both IDoc versions 2 and 3. The difference between the two is that, for IDocs version 2, the service looks for IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA in the pipeline. For IDocs version 3, it looks for IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40.
Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document's XML header, e.g. iso-8859-1.
Return Values
Contains the IDoc(s) as object of