Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | XRFC Services |
Converts an RFC call stored in the pipeline to an XML string in a format specified by the SAP RFC-XML (XRFC) specification.
Input Parameter
This service needs the RFC calls in Values representation as input.
SAP system used as a repository. This name must match a configured RFC connection alias at Adapter for SAP.
Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document's XML header, e.g. iso-8859-1
Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
*true for request.
*false for response.
Optional. XRFC, bXML, or SOAP. Specifies the type of document generated.
Return Values
String. Contains the RFC-XML representation of the RFC.
The content type associated with the generated document (e.g. application/x-sap.rfc).
Use this service to create RFC-XML corresponding to the pipeline and perhaps forward it to another server (for example, via HTTP). This is done in the XML transport's Outbound Process for function modules.