Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | SAP Client Services |
Sends an IDoc list to a given SAP system. The IDocs in the list must be of the same IDoc type.
Input Parameter
Alias for the SAP system from which you want to recieve the RFC connection specific attributes. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at Adapter for SAP. Optional. Set to true to reset the performance throughput values to zero
Contains the IDoc(s) as object of the type.
The ID of the transaction under which the service is executed
Optional. Name of the SAP system IDoc inbound queue. Specify a value in case of an ALE queuing scenario.
Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password will be looked up in the SAP User store.
Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.
Return Values
Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within Adapter for SAP.
Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session's SAP code page.
Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
*true for request.
*false for response.