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Representation of Communication and Processing Errors
Errors which are caused inside Adapter for SAP or by the technical layers in the SAP system are represented by a uniform XML fault-descriptor element. This fault element has been defined following the design principles used for SOAP and SAP XRFC error handling.
This fault element is transferred in the body of a BizTalk XML envelope and introduced by the fault-XML element (which is defined in the namespace urn:sapcom: document:sap:business by applying a specific prefix).
This fault element has the following sub-elements:
XML Element
A number specifying the class of error. Compatible with the Microsoft SOAP XML framework specification. Adapter for SAP always sets this value to 401 to indicate an application-specific error.
Internal Adapter for SAP code for this exception.
Details of the specified sub-elements <name> and <message>
Name of an exception to use with the SAP system as the ABAP exception identifier.
Error message with the specified sub-element <text>. (Optional; this is not always fully specified).
The text of the error message.
An example of an exception document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<biztalk_1 xmlns="urn:biztalk-org:biztalk:biztalk_1">
<sap:Fault xmlns:sap="urn:sap-com:document:sap:business"
<text>Business object named Bank2 does not exist in SAP
System U9C</text>