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Further BizTalk Header Fields
BizTalk requires the use of the XML element <message> to identify a single message. It defines the following sub-elements:
XML Element
A unique identifier, generated for each exchanged document. Adapter for SAP will always generate a new message ID for both request and response messages.
Timestamp of the message creation. When using BAPIs with ALE, this timestamp is used to build the serialization ID of the IDoc control block. The element must contain date and time formatted according to ISO 8601 (first edition June 15, 1988). The format to use is Calendar date and local time of the day. The syntax is: CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.
For example:
2000-06-19T18:59:02describes June 19, 2000 18 hours 59 minutes 2 seconds.
May be used to specify an additional description for the message.
This element is not used by Adapter for SAP.
BizTalk provides the possibility to exchange manifest information in the header. This feature is not used by Adapter for SAP.