Remedy Adapter 7.1 | webMethods Remedy Adapter Documentation | webMethods Remedy Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Data Mapping | Unsupported Remedy Data Types
Unsupported Remedy Data Types
Remedy Adapter attempts to map AR System data types that it does not support to java.lang.String.
Remedy Adapter detects an unsupported data type when it catches a java.lang.ClassCastException. No exception is thrown for unsupported data types. Remedy Adapter attempts to map the unsupported data type to java.lang.String and logs information about the unsupported data type.
If an unsupported data type cannot be cast as a java.lang.String, Remedy Adapter does not retrieve the field value with the unsupported data type from the AR System. As a result, the value will not be returned to the adapter service requesting it. In this situation, Remedy Adapter logs messages to indicate the field could not be retrieved.