Oracle Apps Adapter 6.0 | webMethods Oracle Applications Adapter Documentation | webMethods Oracle Applications Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | About Oracle Apps Adapter | Adapter Connections
Adapter Connections
Using the JDBC Driver to Connect to Oracle Applications
Transaction Management of Oracle Apps Adapter Connections
Connection Pools
Built-In Services For Connections
Changing the Connection Associated with an Adapter Service or Polling Notification at Design Time
Changing the Connection Associated with an Adapter Service at Run Time
Oracle Apps Adapter connects to an Oracle Applications system using a JDBC driver and adapter connections.
Adapter connections contain sets of connection parameters, including the logon parameters that the adapter needs to connect to the Oracle Database Server supporting the release of the Oracle Applications Server. Using Integration Server Administrator, you configure Oracle Apps Adapter connections for use with adapter services and adapter notifications. You must configure an adapter connection before you can configure an adapter service or adapter notification.
If you are configuring your own adapter services, you configure one or more adapter connections at design time to use in integrations. To use Oracle Apps Adapter you must first configure one or more adapter connections, depending on your environment. For example, if you have multiple installations of Oracle Applications , you can access each installation using separate adapter connections. In addition, if you have a test system and a production system, you can configure an adapter connection for each system.
If you are using the predefined transaction services, you do not need to configure a connection because one is included. The underlying transaction definitions used by the predefined transaction services have all been preconfigured to use the same connection, allowing the services to connect to only one Oracle Applications system at a time. You only need to edit the connection parameters to specify your database connection information. For more information about how connections are used with the predefined transaction services, see the webMethods Oracle Applications Predefined Transaction Services Installation and User's Guide for the version of Oracle Applications with which you are using the adapter.
For instructions for configuring, viewing, editing, enabling, and disabling Oracle Apps Adapter connections, see Adapter Connections. For information about setting user privileges, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release.