Oracle Apps Adapter 6.0 | webMethods Oracle Applications Adapter Documentation | webMethods Oracle Applications Adapter 12.2.7 Predefined Transaction Services Documentation | Overview | Query Services | Overview of Query Service Transaction Processing
Overview of Query Service Transaction Processing
Query services retrieve data from Oracle Applications production tables by calling the following services, where Doc is the name of the business document:
Specify Default Settings: By default, query services use an Oracle Apps Adapter connection named OracleAppsDB1227. Ensure that the default Oracle Apps Adapter connection parameters point to your Oracle Applications system.
In version 3.0 of the adapter, the $dbAlias parameter in the specifyDefaultSettings MAP step could be modified to specify the connection the service will use. In version 6.0 of the adapter, that is no longer true. The $dbAlias parameter is still available however it is no longer used to control a service’s connection and cannot be modified.
queryDocTxn Service: The queryDocTxn service queries the Oracle Applications production tables and returns business objects that match the search criteria in the structure of the queryDocTxnOutputRec document type.