OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Public Records, Specifications, and Services | wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.EmailTransport | OutboundProcess
Sends a document as an e-mail attachment to specified recipients. This is the transport service that the Partner Manager invokes for routing rules that deliver their documents via the Email transport. When this transport executes, it e-mails the contents of data/content to the specified recipients.
This service is for use by the Partner Manager only. If you want to send a message directly to an e-mail address, use pub.client:smtp, instead.
Internally, this service invokes pub.client:smtp, which is in the WmPublic package.
Input Parameters
An IS Document (an IData object) containing the following element:
content An object that contains the data that you want the transport to send. This object must be one of the following types: String, byte[ ], or InputStream.
An IS Document (an IData object) containing the following elements:
*contenttype String Specifies the content type of the document (e.g., MIME type).
*to String Specifies the e-mail address to which you want the transport to send the document in data/content.
*cc String Specifies the e-mail addresses where you want the transport to send copies of the document in data/content. To specify multiple recipients, separate each address with a comma.
*bcc String Specifies the e-mail addresses where you want the transport to send blind copies of the document in data/content. To specify multiple recipients, separate each address with a comma.
*subject String Specifies the text that will appear in the subject line of the e-mail message.
*from String Specifies the sender of the email message.
*mailhost String Specifies the host name of the SMTP server to which you want the document delivered.
Output Parameters