OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Public Records, Specifications, and Services | wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.B2B | OutboundProcess
Invokes a service on a local or remote webMethods Integration Server. This is the transport service that the Partner Manager invokes for routing rules that deliver their documents via the IS Service transport. When this transport executes, it passes the entire pipeline to the target service.
Input Parameters
String Optional. Represents a transaction ID. If you want to invoke the service using guaranteed deliver, specify a transaction ID. If you are not using guaranteed delivery, do not specify a transaction ID.
String Optional. Specifies one of the following action codes.
Set the value to assign a state as follows:
*0 Create
*1 Execute
*2 Rollback
*3 Commit
*4 Confirm
An IS Document (an IData object) containing the following elements.
*serverAlias String Specifies the alias (the named set of connection parameters) defined for the webMethods server on which the target service resides.
The default is local. The default specifies that the target service resides on the machine where Partner Manager is running, and that the target service is not password protected. (If the service is password protected, you must define an alias for the local server and specify that alias in serverAlias.)
*servicePath String Specifies the name of the folder in which the target service resides.
*service String Specifies the name of the target service.
*valueScope String Optional. Specifies how you want to maintain the routing service’s connection information when the document is routed to a service on a remote server.
Valid values are:
*SESSION Maintain connection information within the routing service’s session. This preserves the session information for the exclusive use of the routing service while it is connected to the remote server. Use this option if the routing service will perform stateful interactions with the remote server.
*GLOBAL Maintain connection information in a shared session pool, which makes it available for use by other services that may want to connect to the same server. Since the data is not protected from other services, you should only use this option if the routing service’s interaction with the remote server is stateless (i.e., it is not dependent on the availability of session information after a connection has been established).
Output Parameters
The results of the target service.