OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Public Records, Specifications, and Services | pub.marketconnect.transport | setHandler
Registers your default envelope handler service with C1 OnRamp.
This service has been superseded by the setDocumentHandler service. The setDocument handler service registers an envelope handler service and the document type it handles in a lookup table. The receiveEnvelope service uses the lookup table to find the appropriate envelope handler service for each incoming xCBL document. You can call the setDocumentHandler service any number of times to register any number of handler services, and you can name handler services anything you like.
The setHandler service, conversely, registers only a default envelope handler service with C1 OnRamp, and the receiveEnvelope can only find other handler services if they are named using a rigid naming convention-each handler service must have the same name as the default handler service, with the document type appended to that name. In addition, you cannot use the setHandler service to register a different handler service (for example, from a different package such as the WmMarketConnectExample package) during a C1 OnRamp session; if you call the service more than once, the service fails. If you want to register a different handler service, you have to reload the WmMarketConnect package, then call the setHandler service.
If you use both services, the receiveEnvelope refers first to the lookup table to find the appropriate envelope handler service for each incoming xCBL document, and only uses the handler services registered by the setHandler service when no other handler services apply.
Input Parameters
String that specifies the fully qualified path to the envelope handler service to register.
Output Parameters