OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Public Records, Specifications, and Services | pub.marketconnect.envelope | getDocumentAsRecord
Gets the xCBL document from an envelope and returns a record in the form of a webMethods object called a boundNode.
C1 OnRamp determines the version of the xCBL document and uses the appropriate Software AG record definition for that version.
Input Parameters
Envelope whose xCBL document to get.
recordName (optional)
String The type of record to return. If you do not specify this parameter, C1 OnRamp determines the version of the xCBL document and uses the appropriate Software AG record definition for that version. Specify this parameter only when you want the service to use a custom record definition that C1 OnRamp does not supply.
Specify the fully qualified name of the record. Use the name format that is expected by the Integration Server service documentToRecord in the WmPublic package. (For information, see the webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference for your release.)
validate (optional)
String Whether to validate the xCBL document. The service uses the Commerce One CXP parsing engine and the SOX schemas in the schema path specified in the C1 OnRamp configuration to validate documents. Values are true and false; if you set this parameter to true and the document is invalid, the service fails. If you do not specify this parameter, C1 OnRamp uses the default validation setting for incoming documents in the C1 OnRamp configuration (see Specify Default Document Validation).
Output Parameters
Record The top-level tag of the retrieved xCBL document. For example, if the document is a PurchaseOrder, boundNode contains a record called PurchaseOrder.