OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Public Records, Specifications, and Services | pub.marketconnect.envelope | createEnvelopeFromRecord
Creates an envelope containing an xCBL document from a record that represents a complete xCBL document.
Input Parameters
Record The header attributes of the envelope to create.
Record The top-level tag of the xCBL document. For example, if the document type is PurchaseOrder, specify a record named PurchaseOrder.
documentHeader (optional)
String The xCBL document header. If you do not specify this parameter, the services uses the default xCBL document header <soxtype urn:x- commerceone: document:com:commerceone:CBL:CBL.sox>.
recordName (optional)
String The record type of the record specified by the boundNode parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the service uses the xCBL record prefix and document type.
Output Parameters
Resulting envelope.