OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Public Records, Specifications, and Services | pub.marketconnect.cbl | dateToString
Converts a java.util.Date object into a string that contains a date in a format that is compliant with xCBL documents.
Input Parameters
java.util.Date Object to convert.
format (optional)
String The format of the date in the resulting string.
*If you want the string to contain the year, month, and day, specify the format dateOnly.
*If you want the string to contain the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and time zone offset, do not specify this parameter or specify the format dateAndTime.
Output Parameters
Resulting string.