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Build a RoundTrip Response Service
Important: This section assumes you understand the RoundTrip protocol and have read Commerce One's RoundTrip documentation.
*To build a roundtrip response service
1. Open Designer and create a new package. Declare that the package is dependent on the Integration Server package WmMarketConnect. (For more information, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.)
2. In the new package, create a service that represents the RoundTrip response service.
3. In the RoundTrip response service, call services that convert a buyer's shopping cart into a RoundTrip response, as follows:
a. Call the createRoundTripResponse service to create an empty RoundTrip response.
b. Call the addCatalogToRoundTripResponse service to add a catalog to the RoundTrip response.
c. Call the addProductToRoundTripCatalog service to add products to the catalog in the RoundTrip response. Call the service once for each product in the buyer's shopping cart.
4. Call a service that converts the RoundTrip response into an HTML string, an XML string, or a record you can convert into an HTML string.
If you want to convert the RoundTrip response into XML, first make sure the versions of BuySite that your buyers use support that vocabulary.
*To convert to an HTML string, call the getRoundTripResponseAsHTML service.
*To convert to an XML string, call the getRoundTripResponseAsXML service. See Commerce One documentation for detail information on supported XML tags.
*If you want to convert to an HTML string but you would like to customize the HTML's appearance, call the getRoundTripResponseAsRecord service to convert the RoundTrip response into a record. Build a template that converts the record into an HTML string using instructions in Dynamic Server Pages and Output Templates Developer’s Guide , then use Integration Server services in the pub.report folder of the WmPublic package to apply the templates. (For instructions, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.)
You can now imbed the HTML or XML string in the HTML forms you display on buyers' Web browsers. See Commerce One's RoundTrip documentation for instructions.