OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Document Exchange Processing | Receiving an xCBL Request Document from MarketSite
Receiving an xCBL Request Document from MarketSite
This section explains how C1 OnRamp receives and processes an envelope containing an xCBL request document from MarketSite.
1. MarketSite transmits an envelope containing a buyer's xCBL request document and, optionally, attachments to the C1 OnRamp receiveEnvelope service.
2. The receiveEnvelope service forwards the envelope to the appropriate envelope handler service.
3. The envelope handler service calls C1 OnRamp services that:
a. Get the envelope header information.
b. Get the xCBL request document's header information.
c. Get the xCBL request document and, optionally, validate the document.
d. Get any attachments from the envelope.
C1 OnRamp automatically calls a C1 OnRamp service that looks up the DDIDs in the envelope header and returns the corresponding sender and receiver IDs.
The envelope handler service interacts with your back-end system to process the retrieved xCBL request document and attachments.
4. The next step depends on the request mode of the incoming document and on whether errors occur during processing.
*If MarketSite sent the envelope synchronously and no processing errors occur, your back-end system provides data to the appropriate webMethods adapter. The adapter receives the data and calls custom services you developed. The custom services map the data to an xCBL response document and return the document to the envelope handler service. The envelope handler service then calls C1 OnRamp services that:
1. Optionally, validate the xCBL response document.
2. If your back-end system does not handle DDIDs, look up the sender and recipient IDs provided by your back-end system and return the corresponding DDIDs.
3. Create a reply envelope that contains the xCBL response document.
4. Create any necessary attachments and add them to the envelope.
The envelope handler service then returns the reply envelope to the receiveEnvelope service, which returns the reply envelope to MarketSite.
*If MarketSite sent the envelope asynchronously and no processing errors occur, C1 OnRamp immediately returns a reply envelope containing a default acknowledgement to MarketSite. (If you want to return a custom acknowledgement instead, you can call a C1 OnRamp service that creates a reply envelope containing the custom acknowledgement and passes the reply envelope to the receiveEnvelope service to return to MarketSite.)
Later, the back-end system provides data to the appropriate webMethods adapter. The adapter receives the data and calls custom services you developed. The custom services map the data to an xCBL response document and pass the document to a C1 OnRamp send service. The send service calls C1 OnRamp services that:
1. Optionally, validate the xCBL response document.
2. If your back-end system does not handle DDIDs, look up the sender and recipient IDs provided by your back-end system and return the corresponding DDIDs.
3. Create an envelope that contains the xCBL response document.
4. Create any necessary attachments and add them to the envelope.
5. Send the envelope to MarketSite ( sendEnvelope service).
*For either request mode, if errors occur during processing, C1 OnRamp immediately returns a reply envelope containing a default error to MarketSite. (If you want to return a custom error instead, you can call a C1 OnRamp service that creates a reply envelope containing the custom error and passes the reply envelope to the receiveEnvelope service to return to MarketSite.)