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C1 OnRamp provides three logs, as follows:
*C1 OnRamp Log. The C1 OnRamp log contains information about C1 OnRamp processing. OnRamp creates one processing log per day and stores the logs in the Integration Server_directory\logs\WmMarketConnect directory. You control the amount of detail the C1 OnRamp log contains.
*C1 OnRamp Envelope Log. You can have C1 OnRamp store envelopes you send, receive, or both during a C1 OnRamp session by turning on envelope logging. With each envelope it stores in the C1 OnRamp envelope log, C1 OnRamp stores the associated reply envelope and any errors. You control the number of envelopes C1 OnRamp stores in the log; after the maximum is reached, C1 OnRamp discards the oldest envelopes to make room for new ones. Envelopes are not persisted between sessions.
*C1 OnRamp Errors Log. The C1 OnRamp errors log contains all errors that occur during C1 OnRamp processing. Errors are persisted across C1 OnRamp sessions; if you want to delete them, you must do so manually