OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Concepts | Build Services to Receive and Send Documents
Build Services to Receive and Send Documents
C1 OnRamp provides services you need to build the two types of services that enable you to exchange xCBL documents with MarketSite - envelope handler services and send services. The services run on webMethods Integration Server.
An envelope handler service does the following:
1. Receives incoming envelopes that contain xCBL request documents from MarketSite.
2. Interacts with your back-end systems to process each request.
3. For each request, returns a reply envelope to MarketSite that contains either an xCBL response document or an acknowledgement that means the request was received and a send service will send a response document later.
Send services do one of the following:
*Sends MarketSite an envelope containing an xCBL response document when an envelope handler service only sent an acknowledgement.
*Sends envelopes containing xCBL request documents and, optionally, attachments to MarketSite. For each request, the send service waits for an xCBL response document or acknowledgement from MarketSite and returns a reply envelope containing the document or acknowledgement to webMethods Integration Server.
You can use the C1 OnRamp Test Send/Receive utility to test your envelope handler and send services. Specifically, you can test whether you can receive an envelope from a MarketSite, whether you can send an envelope to a MarketSite, and whether a service you built operates as expected.
MarketSite requires document destination identifiers (DDIDs) to direct envelopes to their destinations. If your back-end systems cannot handle DDIDs, you can build your envelope handler services to convert the DDIDs in envelopes it receives from MarketSite to sender and recipient IDS. You can build your send services to convert the sender and recipient IDs it receives from your back-end system to DDIDs. The services do the conversion using DDID mappings you create.
C1 OnRamp includes a package named WmMarketConnectExample that contains sample envelope handler, send, and startup services.