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Create a Processing Rule for Sending Envelopes
*To create a processing rule for sending envelopes
1. In xCBL documents, the sender and receiver are not identified in the document. If you want to send xCBL documents, create a wrapping XML document that contains an xCBL document and identify the document sender and receiver in the wrapping XML document so Trading Networks can extract that information.
2. In Trading Networks, create a processing rule for the document type you want to send and define the criteria for the processing rule.
If you created a larger XML document around the relevant document type definition that identifies the document sender and receiver, strip out the xCBL document, then call the Trading Networks service wm.tn.doc:persist to persist the xCBL document to the Trading Networks database as the xmldata content part. If you want to also save a copy of the larger XML document for auditing purposes, call the Trading Networks service wm.tn.doc:addContentPart to persist the larger XML document to the database as another content part (for example, the source content part).
3. You use the Trading Networks reliable delivery service to send documents to a MarketSite or trading partner. In the processing rule, choose reliable delivery by clicking the C1 Envelope HTTP(S) service option provided by the WmMarketConnectTN package in the delivery method list.
If you are communicating with a MarketSite over HTTPS, and the MarketSite requires you to not submit certificates for authentication, but you have certificates in Integration Server that are submitted by default, contact Software AG Global Support for a workaround.
4. If you are sending an xCBL response document, in the document type definition, set the ConversationID system attribute to the correlationID field in the document's envelope header of the corresponding request document. The WmMarketConnectTN package maps the ConversationID system attribute in the document type definition to the correlationID field in the document's envelope header so you can easily perform conversational transactions with MarketSite. In addition, you can also use theTrading Networks user interface to find related documents or Designer to model processes and generate corresponding conversations.
5. Specify attributes for the delivery job, as follows:
*Call the appropriate Trading Networks service to set the requestMode attribute for the outgoing envelopes. Values for this attribute are sync, oneway, and peer-peer.
You must set this attribute or the reliable delivery service will fail.
*If you do not want to send the envelopes to the C1 OnRamp default alias, specify the alias to which to send the envelopes. Call the appropriate Trading Networks service to set the C1DeliveryAlias attribute for outgoing envelopes. Values for this attribute are:
Use the Destination Specified in the:
Sender Market
C1 OnRamp MarketSite Aliasbox in the Trading Networks profile for the sender.
Receiver Market
C1 OnRamp MarketSite Aliasbox in the Trading Networks profile for the receiver.
C1 OnRamp Direct Aliasbox in the Trading Networks profile for the receiver.
Any C1 OnRamp alias.
none (empty)
C1 OnRamp alias named default.
6. If you want to create a complex envelope that contains more than an xCBL document (for example, contains attachments), call C1 OnRamp services to create the envelope and add the attachments. Leave the envelope object in your pipeline under the name envelope so the reliable delivery service can detect it.
If you are not including attachments in the envelope and the document you are sending includes an xmldata content part, provide the document you want to send as input to the delivery job and let the delivery service create the envelope.
7. When you send an envelope to MarketSite using the C1 Envelope HTTP(S) delivery service provided by the WmMarketConnectTN package, MarketSite returns one of three replies, as follows:
The delivery service persists the error to the Trading Networks database as a content part of the document you sent. The content part is called Error Reply Envelope.
The delivery service persists the acknowledgment as a content part of the document you sent. The content part is called Acknowledgment Reply Envelope.
The delivery service routes the reply envelope containing the response document through Trading Networks automatically and the delivery service automatically associates the two documents.
8. For reference and auditing purposes, the delivery service persists a copy of each envelope you send to the Trading Networks database as a content part of the document you sent. The content part is called C1 Envelope(outgoing).
9. The delivery service looks up the TPID specified in the alias to which the envelope is to be delivered and sets the sender TPID in the envelope to that TPID.