OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Partner Manager | Using the Message Store | Viewing the Message Store
Viewing the Message Store
Deleting a Single Transaction from the Message Store
Purging All Transactions from the Message Store
Use the following procedure to view a list of the documents that the Partner Manager has logged into the message store and to examine the details (including the sender, receiver, message type, and error information) for a particular document.
*To view the transactions in the message store
1. Start Integration Server Administrator.
2. On the Adapters menu, click Routing.
3. Click Transactions. The contents of the message store appears. Documents are identified by transaction ID.
4. If you want to sort the list, click the up or down arrow icons in the column headings.
5. If you want to view details about a particular document, click its transaction ID (in the TID column).
6. If you want to view the body of the document (in addition to additional transaction information that was present at run time), click one of the following options in the View field:
*To view the transaction information in webMethods standard HTML-encoded format, click As XML or As Values.
*To view the transaction information in a special HTML format that displays the body of the document in a text box, click As HTML.