OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Partner Manager | Using the Message Store | Configuring the Location of the Message Store | Configuring the Message Store on Microsoft SQL Server 7.x | Configuring webMethods Integration Server
Configuring webMethods Integration Server
*On webMethods Integration Server
1. Obtain a pure JDBC driver (for example, the weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver from WebLogic or a comparable driver from a vendor such as Merant or Imprise).
The Microsoft SQL Server 7.x ODBC driver is not compatible with JDBC.
2. Install the driver according to the vendor’s installation instructions.
3. Edit the server.bat file (under Windows) or the server.sh file (under Unix) and add the JDBC driver to the classpath statement. (These files reside in the Integration Server_directory \bin directory.)
4. Start Integration Server Administrator and use the Database command on the Adapter menu to define an alias (a named set of connection parameters) called “transactions” for the SQL Server database. When you add this alias, specify the following information in the Details section of the New DB Alias screen. For more information about adding an alias for a database server, see the WmDB User’s Guide.
In this field...
The following string:

Type this string exactly as it appears above, using only lowercase letters.
The URL for the SQL Server database.

DB Username
The user ID that you created for the Partner Manager in step 1 of Configuring the SQL Server. This is the user ID that the Partner Manager will use to connect to the SQL Server database.
When the Partner Manager connects to the database, it attempts to create the message store tables if they do not already exist. Before using the Partner Manager with SQL Server for the first time, make sure that the tables listed in step 3 of Configuring the SQL Server exist on the SQL server or that the user ID specified in DB URL is authorized to create tables.
DB Password
The password associated with the user account specified in DB Username.
Minimum Connections
The minimum number of connections to pool.
Maximum Connections
The maximum number of connections to have in the pool. When the maximum number of connections are open, then the next call to get a connection from the pool will wait until a connection is available (that is, re-added to the pool).
Expiration Time (ms)
The amount of time to wait before discarding a cached connection from the pool.
Loaded Drivers
The class name of the JDBC driver.
5. Edit the server configuration file to enable database logging. To do this, open Integration Server_directory \config\server.cnf with a text editor and add the following statement to it: