OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite 3.5 SP1 | webMethods OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter Documentation | webMethods OnRamp for CommerceOne MarketSite Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Partner Manager | Submitting Documents to Partner Manager | Passing a Document to the Transport Service
Passing a Document to the Transport Service
When you invoke InboundProcess, the Partner Manager receives the entire contents of the pipeline, including your document. However, you need to pass your document to the Partner Manager where the transport service expects it.
The following table describes where the Partner Manager expects the document for each transport type.
This Transport...
IS Service Transport
The entire pipeline to the specified service. When a document is routed with this transport, it doesn’t make any difference where you put it in the pipeline, because the entire pipeline is transmitted to the destination service.
Email Transport
The contents of data/content to the specified email address, where data is an IS Document (an IData object) and content is an object element of data. If your document will be routed through the email transport:
*It must be in the form of a String, a byte [ ], or an InputStream.
*You must map the document to data/content before invoking the Partner Manager.
FTP Transport
The contents of data/content to the specified file location, where data is an IS Document (an IData object) and content is an object element of data. If your document will be routed through the FTP transport:
*It must be in the form of a String, a byte [ ], or an InputStream.
*You must map the document to data/content before invoking the Partner Manager.