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Configuring the FTP Transport
Use the following procedure to complete the configuration parameters on the Edit Routing Rule screen if you are creating a routing rule that uses the FTP transport. The FTP transport sends the document to a specified file location on an FTP server.
To configure the FTP transport, in the Configure FTP Outbound Service section of the Edit Routing Rule screen, complete the following fields.
In this field...
Do the following...
Host Name
Type the host name of the remote FTP server.
Port Number
Type the port number on which the remote FTP server listens for FTP requests.
User Name
Type the user ID that the Partner Manager must submit in order to connect to the FTP server.
Type the password that the Partner Manager must submit in order to connect to the FTP server.
File Path
Type the directory in which you want the document transferred. The transport will automatically assign a file name to the file it puts in this directory. The name will have the format, “ftpfilexx.data”, where xx is an ID that the FTP transport assigns.