webMethods OFTP Adapter

Release Notes

webMethods OFTP Adapter Version 7.1

Software AG is pleased to introduce webMethods OFTP Adapter 7.1. Built on top of webMethods Trading Networks and webMethods Integration Server, the webMethods OFTP Adapter provides simple adapter services to exchange documents in ODETTE format. The ODETTE File Transfer Protocol (OFTP), according to the VDA recommendation 4914/2, is a popular file transfer protocol for exchanging data of any format or content. Specifically, OFTP is widely used in the automotive industry to exchange business documents in ODETTE format.

Send and Receive Data Using the OFTP Protocol

The OFTP Adapter provides a set of services for sending documents to and receiving inbound notifications from the OFTP server. These services make it easy and simple to exchange documents with another partner. The adapter makes use of rvs client to communicate with the OFTP server.

Other Notable Features

For details on all these features, see the webMethods OFTP Adapter User's Guide that is posted on the Software AG Documentation Web site (http://documentation.softwareag.com/default.htm).

Platform Support

For the most up to date information about the software and operating systems that the adapter supports, see the webMethods Adapters System Requirements document that is posted on the Software AG Documentation Web site (http://documentation.softwareag.com/default.htm).

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