webMethods Microsoft Package 9.0 | webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET Documentation | webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET Installation and User’s Documentation | Installing the webMethods Microsoft Package | Installing the webMethods Microsoft Package
Installing the webMethods Microsoft Package
This section provides only instructions that are specific to installing the webMethods Microsoft Package and the webMethods for Microsoft Code Generator Package. For complete instructions on using the Software AG Installer, see the Installing webMethods Products On Premises for your release.
Installation for the webMethods Microsoft Package and the webMethods for Microsoft Code Generator Package is similar. Install each element on the appropriate computer:
Install this element...
On the same computer as...
webMethods Microsoft Package
Integration Server
webMethods for Microsoft Code Generator Package
Integration Server
Important:Software AG recommends that you use only one instance of Integration Server with webMethods Microsoft Package installed on the Integration Server on a system. However, if you need to use webMethods Microsoft Package with multiple instances of Integration Servers on the same system, see Using webMethods Microsoft Package with multiple instances of Integration Server .
*To install elements of the webMethods Microsoft Package
1. Shut down all webMethods products.
2. Download Installer from the Empower Product Support Web site.
3. Start the Installer wizard.
*Choose the webMethods release that includes the Integration Server on which to install the package. For example, if you want to install the package on Integration Server 8.2, choose the 8.2 release.
*If you are installing on an existing Integration Server, specify the webMethods installation directory that contains the host Integration Server. If you are installing both the host Integration Server and the package, specify the installation directory to use. The Installer will install the package in the Integration Server_directory \packages directory.
4. In the product selection list, select Adapters > webMethods Microsoft Package. The following elements are automatically selected and will be installed:
You can deselect any of the individual components and install only the ones that you need.
*Program Files 9.0 This component will install the webMethods Microsoft Package (WmDotNet) containing services that you use to create and manage a Microsoft .NET CLR.
*Code Generator 9.0 This component will install the webMethods for Microsoft Code Generator Package (WmMSCodeGen) containing services that generate .NET source code.
5. To install documentation for the webMethods Microsoft Package and its components, select Documentation > Adapters Readmes and Documentation. Note that this will install the documentation for all adapters.
Alternatively, you can download the documentation at a later time from the Software AG Documentation Web site.
6. Enter the HTTP port to be used by webMethods Microsoft Package.
If the DotNetHost service already exists on the machine, you will not be asked to enter the HTTP port. Further installations of webMethods Microsoft Package will use the existing DotNetHost service.
7. After Installer completes the installation, close Installer.
8. Start the host Integration Server.
Software AG recommends that you install the latest fix to include updates from previous fixes for this adapter.