webMethods Microsoft Package 9.0 | webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET Documentation | webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET Installation and User’s Documentation | Configuring webMethods Microsoft Package | Specifying white-listed directories
Specifying white-listed directories
To use Designer and create services to invoke .NET methods, the required .NET methods must be imported to Designer. Before importing the required .NET methods, you must specify the directories that Designer is allowed to access.
By default, C:\ is the configured white-listed directory. You can specify multiple directories as white-listed directories. You can also specify a UNC Path as part of the white-listed directories.
To use UNC Path, the webMethods Microsoft Package and the specified UNC Path must be running under the same user-account. Use two slashes (//) or backslashes (\\) to indicate the machine name and one slash or backslash to indicate the path or shared directory on the machine.
For example, //test1/MyFolder/MyAssemblies provides the UNC path to the MyAssemblies directory on the machine test1.
You cannot specify mapped drives as white-listed directories.
Software AG recommends that you add only a restricted set of directories, as white-listed directories.
*To specify white-listed directories
1. Go to Software AG_directory /DotNetHost folder.
2. Open wmSystem.exe.config file.
3. Modify the parameter value of the WhitelistDirectories element.
You can specify multiple directories, separated by the ; symbol.
4. Restart the webMethods Microsoft Package windows service.