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webMethods Microsoft Package Error Codes
.NET CLR is not running. Start the .NET CLR to access the service.
Explanation:  Access to the service failed as the .NET CLR is not started before accessing the service of the WmDotNet package.
Action:  Start the .NET CLR from the Microsoft Package Administration page on the Integration Server Administrator.
Insufficient input parameters.
Explanation:  All the mandatory input values are not passed as input to the service.
Action:  Verify that all mandatory input parameters are passed as input to the service.
Specify valid Application Domain name.
Explanation:  Valid name is not specified for the Application Domain.
Action:  Enter a valid name for the Application Domain.
Unable to access the assembly.
Explanation:  The assembly path of the method is not part of the whitelist-directories.
Action:  Verify the domain configuration file associated with the executing assembly and make sure that the assembly path is part of whitelist entries. After adding the entry, restart the "webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET" windows service.
Unable to browse the File System.
Explanation:  The location specified does not exist.
Action:  Verify that the specified location exists.
No directories are configured to allow access.
Explanation:  There are no valid white-list directories specified in the domain configuration file.
Action:  Make sure that valid directory names are added to the domain configuration file.
Unable to find valid directories/files in the path specified.
Explanation:  An invalid location is specified for the assembly.
Action:  Make sure that a valid path is specified, and that the target assembly exists in the specified path.
Invalid assembly path.
Explanation:  An invalid path is specified for invoking the method of an assembly.
Action:  Verify the specified assembly path and invoke the method again.
Invalid assembly name.
Explanation:  An invalid assembly name is specified for invoking the method of an assembly.
Action:  Verify the assembly name and invoke the method again.
Invalid assembly path/name.
Explanation:  An invalid assembly path/name is specified for invoking the method of an assembly.
Action:  Verify the specified assembly path/name and invoke the method again.
Unable to access the location of the service.
Explanation:  The services being invoked were created in earlier versions of webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET, and a network share is specified as the location of the service. This is not supported in the current version.
Action:  Verify that the assembly path refers to a valid UNC shared location, and that the webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET windows service is executed under the same user account.
Invalid file format.
Explanation:  This error occurred while migrating the .NET services created in earlier versions, to webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET 9.0 version.
Action:  Verify that all the assembly extensions are either .exe or .dll.
Unable to load the assembly.
Explanation:  This can happen when the specified assembly failed to load under the given Application Domain.
Action:  Make sure that assembly path is accessible without any security/lock restrictions.
Unable to invoke the method in the specified assembly.
Explanation:  This can happen if the invocation of specified method fails.
Action:  Chek the DetailErrorID/DetailErrorMessage for more details.
Unable to convert the specified input parameter.
Explanation:  Invalid value(s) are passed as input arguments to the method.
Action:  Verify that only valid arguments are passed as input to the method.
Insufficient parameters to invoke the service.
Explanation:  All the required input parameters are not passed while invoking the service.
Action:  Verify that all required input parameters are passed and invoke the service again.
Unable to convert the specified input parameter to array.
Explanation:  Invalid format specified for the input to be converted to array .
Action:  Verify that a valid array format is specified for the input.
Invalid target array dimension specified. Maximum array dimension supported is 2.
Explanation:  This error occurs when the target method expects an array of size 2-dimensional or greater than 2-dimensional. The maximum array size supported by webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET is 2-Dimensional.
Action:  Verify that the target array specified is of size 2-dimensional, or less than 2-dimensional.
Invalid source array dimension specified. Maximum array dimension supported is 2.
Explanation:  This error occurs when the source method expects an array of size 2-dimensional or greater than 2-dimensional. The maximum array size supported by webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET is 2-Dimensional.
Action:  Verify that the source array specified is of size 2-dimensional, or less than 2-dimensional.
Dimension mismatch between source and target arrays.
Explanation:  This error occurs when the dimension of array expected by the target method is different from the dimension of the array passed to the target method.
Action:  Verify that the dimension of array passed to the target method is as expected by the target method.
Unable to unmarshall the input parameter.
Explanation:  This error occurs when valid XML/Instance ID details and suitable marshalling type parameter are not specified.
Action:  Verify that valid XML/Instance ID details and suitable marshalling type parameter are specified.
Unable to deserialize the XML input parameter to an object.
Explanation:  Incompatible XML structure, not relevant to the class structure is passed as input .
Action:  Verify that a compatible XML structure revelant to the class structure is passed as input.
Unable to serialize the output parameter object to XML format.
Explanation:  The marshalling type passed for the method invocation is XML, but the output parameter object is not XML serializable.
Action:  Verify that the parameter object is XML Serializable. If the object is not XML Serializable, set the marshalling type as refid.
Unable to marshall the output parameter.
Explanation:  Invalid marshalling type parameter is specified.
Action:  Verify that a valid marshalling type parameter of xml/refid is specified.
Unable to convert the output parameter to array.
Explanation:  Invalid array-size returned by the method.
Action:  Verify that the method returns array of maximum 2-dimensional size.
Unable to invoke the method/operty in the specified assembly.
Explanation:  This error occurs when valid input parameters are not provided to invoke the method/operty.
Action:  Verify that valid input parameters are specified and invoke the method/operty again.
Specifed instance ID is no longer valid.
Explanation:  This error occurred as the specified instance ID is no longer valid.
Action:  If Class Lifetime set as Session, with Class Timeout set as small value, increase the Class Timeout value. Alternately, to set infinite lifetime for instance ID, set Class Lifetime as Global.
Unable to invoke the constructor in the specified assembly.
Explanation:  Invalid input parameters specified for invoking the constructior.
Action:  Specify valid input parameters and invoke the constructor again.
Unable to invoke the field in the specified assembly.
Explanation:  Invalid value specified for the public field in the assembly.
Action:  Verify that valid value is specified for the field.
Public field cannot be empty. Specify valid value.
Explanation:  No value is provided for the public field in the assembly.
Action:  Specify a valid value for the public field in the assembly.
Unable to process the input field value.
Explanation:  Invalid value specified for the field.
Action:  Specify valid value for the field.
Invalid instance ID.
Explanation:  Invalid instance ID passed to invoke the service.
Action:  Specify valid instance ID to invoke the service. Do not specify an instance ID when invoking a service under Static/Single-Use lifetime setting.
Unable to retrieve the required CLR runtime information.
Explanation:  The service cannot fetch the CLR runtime information.
Action:  Verify that the webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET service is started and try to retieve the CLR runtime information.
Unable to start/stop the CLR.
Explanation:  An unspecified error occurred while trying to start/stop the CLR.
Action:  If error occurred when trying to start the CLR, verify that the CLR is not already running. If error occurred when trying to stop the CLR, verify that the CLR is not already stopped.
Unable to start the CLR.
Explanation:  An unspecified error occurred while trying to start the CLR.
Action:  Verify that the CLR is not already started.
Unable to stop the CLR.
Explanation:  An unspecified error occurred while trying to start the CLR.
Action:  Verify that the CLR is not already started.
Unable to access the properties file. Reason: {0}.
Explanation:  The properties.cnf file does not exist.
Action:  Verify that properties.cnf file is created at the time of installation. For more information, see the webMethods Package for Microsoft .NET Install and User's Guide.