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Lotus Notes Adapter Error Codes
This section lists the Lotus Notes Adapter's Critical- and Error-level minor codes, including the text of each error, information about the cause of the errors, and possible responses to the errors.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to load XMLDataFile.
Explanation: This message is thrown as a ServiceException wrapping the exception encountered while loading the XML data file.
Action: The exception wrapped will have details on the nature of the failure.
Lotus Notes Adapter cannot load class: class-name.
Explanation: This message is encountered mainly during development time. This message indicates that the adapter is unable to load a Java class as specified in the XML data file.
Action: Verify that the classpath and the name of the class are correct.
Lotus Notes Adapter will not attempt to execute method: method-name in class class-name using connection node: connection_name because no object reference was provided in the parameter-name parameter to execute such method on.
Explanation: The Lotus Domino Toolkit for Java/CORBA requires an object in order to execute Lotus Notes Adapter. This error message indicates that an object was not provided.
Action: Check the flow or services to ensure that the object is properly mapped/provided.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to execute method: method-name in class class-name. Reason: reason.
Explanation: This message is provided in the event that an exception other than a NotesException is thrown by a Domino object method invocation.
Action: Depending on the exception reported, make the necessary changes in input or on the Domino Server.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to execute method method-name in class class-name. Reason: reason. Exception ID: id.
Explanation: Lotus Notes Adapter caught a NotesException. Lotus Notes Adapter extracts the ID of the exception and the text provided with it.
Action: Consult the appropriate IBM documentation, and make the necessary changes to work around the exception. This is an application-level error; however, it may also be a system-level error which requires a fresh session. The adapter may handle these errors automatically. For more information about exception IDs and the Domino Objects for Java Reference Guide in the Lotus Domino Toolkit for Java/CORBA documentation.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to execute method: method-name in class: class-name, because the indicated class can not be loaded.
Explanation: This message is encountered mainly during execution time. This message indicates that the adapter is unable to load a Java class as specified in the XML data file. It may be seen if the classpath was altered after a service has been properly generated.
Action: Verify that the classpath and the name of the class are correct.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to find the class-name class definition in the XML data file. Aborting service_name execution.
Explanation: This exception is issued during run time. It indicates that a class has been removed from the XML data file after an adapter service has been created for it.
Action: Edit the XML data file to define the class and lists its methods. For instructions, see Editing the XML Data File.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to find the method-name method definition in class class-name.
Explanation: A method in a class that is defined in the XML data file does not exist.
Action: Verify that the definition of the method is correct in the XML data file. Also check the spelling of the method, and ensure that the signature is accurate.
Lotus Notes Adapter encountered an IllegalAccessException while executing the method-name method in class class-name.
Explanation: This exception indicates that the adapter does not have the proper permissions to execute certain Java code. This is a rare exception because the proper permissions should already be in place to execute Java methods in the Lotus Domino Toolkit for Java/CORBA.
Action: Ensure that the environment for the adapter is set up to allow the adapter to properly load and access the classes defined in the XML data file.
Lotus Notes Adapter will not attempt to execute method: method-name in class: class-name because it encountered a NumberFormatException while trying to convert input parameter: parm-name with value: value to type: type.
Explanation: This message occurs when the adapter cannot properly convert a parameter to the desired target. Adapter services that have a signature in primitive mode and one of the parameters is of a format that requires conversion (for example byte, int, long, float, double or short), may encounter this error.
Action: Correct the specified value and rerun the service.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to execute the built-in service service-name. Reason: reason. Exception ID: id
Explanation: Lotus Notes Adapter caught a NotesException. Lotus Notes Adapter extracts the ID of the exception and the text provided with it.
Action: Consult the appropriate IBM documentation, and make the necessary changes to work around the exception. This is an application-level error; however, it may also be a system-level error which requires a fresh session. The adapter may handle these errors automatically. For more information about exception IDs and the associated constants that are defined in NotesError for the lotus.domino classes, see the Domino Objects for Java Reference Guide in the Lotus Domino Toolkit for Java/CORBA documentation.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to execute the built-in service service-name. Reason: reason.
Explanation: This message is provided in the event that an exception other than a NotesException is thrown by a Domino object method invocation.
Action: Depending on the exception reported, make the necessary changes in input or on the Domino Server.
Lotus Notes Adapter will not execute the wm.ln.authentication:logout service because there was no session object in the pipeline.
Explanation: The wm.ln.authentication:logout service requires that a session object be available in the pipeline under parameter name "session". If it is missing this message is encountered.
Action: Ensure that the session object is available in the pipeline.
Lotus Notes Adapter failed to initialize connection: connection_nameto host: Lotus-Domino-server with user: user-name. Reason: reason. Possible reason: reason. Exception ID: id. Exception message: message-text.
Explanation: This error message appears if the adapter encounters an error when trying to establish a connection to a Domino Server for the specified user.
Action: Consult the appropriate IBM documentation, and make the necessary changes based on the exception reported. For more information about exception IDs and the associated constants that are defined in NotesError for the lotus.domino classes, see the Domino Objects for Java Reference Guide in the Lotus Domino Toolkit for Java/CORBA documentation.