Adapter for JMS 6.1 SP1 | webMethods Adapter for JMS Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JMS Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Configuring Message-to-Document Conversion Services | Using Message-to-Document Conversion Services
Using Message-to-Document Conversion Services
The message-to-document conversion services contain the following input signatures.
Provide values for the parameters listed below in the service's input signature when configuring the adapter service within a flow service in Designer. You can either map in values from the pipeline, or you can set constant values using the pipeline editor.
The JMS message object to convert to a document.
The message-to-document conversion services contain the following output signature:
A String containing the name of the Java class for the JMS message.
Message Body
*For TextMessageToDocument, the message body will be a String called TextMessageBody.
*For ObjectMessageToDocument, the message body will be an Object called ObjectMessageBody.
*For MapMessageToDocument, the message body will be a document called MapMessageBody that contains a set of parameters corresponding to the message body fields you added in step 8.
*For BytesMessageToDocument, the message body will be an Object called BytesMessageBody.
*For StreamMessageToDocument, the message body will be a document called ObjectMessageBody that contains a set of parameters corresponding to the message body fields you added in step 8 in Configuring Message-to-Document Conversion Services.
This document will contain any JMS Header fields you added in step 9 in Configuring Message-to-Document Conversion Services.
This document will contain any JMS property fields you added in step 10 in Configuring Message-to-Document Conversion Services.