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Table Filter Property Settings
Specify table filter property settings to limit the list of catalogs, schemas, and tables you select when you create adapter services and notifications. This setting is beneficial if you work with large databases.
Use a ; (semi-colon) to delimit table filter, transaction isolation level, and driver-dependent property settings. Do not enter spaces after the semi-colon. For example: TableFilter=‘<current catalog>'.‘Accounting';driverType=oci
Use the following format to enter table filter property settings in the Other Properties field:
For example:
The TableFilter setting is case-sensitive. Be sure that the names you enter match the names in the database table. If you use ‘<current catalog>' or ‘<current schema>' described below, be sure that you use all lowercase letters.
When configuring the TableFilter property, you can use the following rules:
<current catalog>
Use the catalog for the default login catalog.
Informix databases automatically access the current catalog only.
<current schema>
Use the schema for the login user.
Table name pattern. The table is an optional field. If you do not specify a table value, Adapter for JDBC loads all of the tables for the schema. The following example lists all the tables under the Accounting schema:
TableFilter=‘<current catalog>'.‘Accounting'
% (percent)
Use the % to match any substring of zero or more characters. The following example lists all the tables under the Accounting schema named Finance, Finance1, FinanceDept, and so forth:
TableFilter=‘<current catalog>'.
, (commas)
Use the , to list multiple TableFilter settings. Do not enter spaces after the comma. For example:
TableFilter=‘<current catalog>'.‘Accounting'.
‘Finance_',‘<current catalog>'.‘Employee%'
_ (underscore)
Use the _ to match any one character. The following example lists all the tables under the Accounting schema named Finance1, Finance2, Finance3, and so forth:
TableFilter=‘<current catalog>'.‘Accounting'.‘Finance_'
; (semi-colons)
Use the ; to delimit multiple property settings: TableFilter settings, transaction isolation level settings, and driver-dependent settings. Do not enter spaces after the semi-colon. For example:
TableFilter=‘<current catalog>'.‘Accounting'.
‘Finance_',‘<current catalog>'.‘Accounting';