Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Logging and Exception Handling | Suppressing the Logging of Errors
Suppressing the Logging of Errors
When a database is down or is unreachable, errors are logged repeatedly causing the Server and Error logs to overflow. You can avoid this by suppressing the error after which only the first five consecutive occurrences of the error are logged and then the error is suppressed. The first five occurrences of the error are logged to avoid any potential dangers that may result due to the suppressing of the error. However, it is recommended to use this option of suppressing the logging of errors, only when you know about an activity that can lead to the continuous logging of errors, for example, a scheduled database shut down, and you want to suppress only those errors.
*To suppress the logging of errors
1. Start Integration Server Administrator if it is not already running.
2. Under Settings in the left panel, select Extended.
3. Select Edit Extended Settings. In the edit box, type:
watt.adapter.JDBC.SuppressErrorCodes=ErrorCode_1,ErrorCode_2,ErrorCode_n,Err or_Description
where ErrorCode_1, ErrorCode_2, and ErrorCode_n are the error codes of the errors that you want to suppress, and Error_Description is the description of the error that you want to suppress. For databases that do not have error codes, you can provide the error description.
Example: To allow Adapter for JDBC to suppress the error codes ORA-12500, ORA- 01033, 17002, and the error with description User account is locked, type the following:
watt.adapter.JDBC.SuppressErrorCodes=ORA-12500,ORA-01033,17002,User account
is locked
Note that there is no space after the , (comma).
4. Click Save Changes.
5. Reload the WmJDBCAdapter package.