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Using Integration Server Administrator to View Adapter Connection Parameters
Perform the following steps to view adapter connection parameters in Integration Server Administrator.
*To view the parameters for a connection using Integration Server Administrator
1. In the Adapters menu in Integration Server Administrator's navigation area, click webMethods Adapter for JDBC.
When using the adapter with Integration Server 8.0 and later, you can sort and filter the list of connections that appears on the Connections screen.
*To sort information on the Connections screen, click the Up and Down arrows at the top of the column you want to sort.
*To filter the list of connections:
1. On the Connections screen, click Filter Connections.
2. Type the criterion by which you want to filter into the Filter criteria box. Filtering is based on the node name, not the connection alias. To locate all connections containing specific alphanumeric characters, use asterisks (*) as wildcards. For example, if you want to display all connections containing the string "abc", type *abc* in the Filter criteria box.
3. Click Submit. The Connections screen displays the connections that match the filter criteria.
4. To re-display all connections, click Show All Connections.
The Connections screen appears, listing all the current connections. You can control the number of connections that are displayed on this screen. For more information, see Controlling Pagination.
2. On the Connections screen, click the icon for the connection you want to see.
The View Connection screen displays the parameters for the connection. For descriptions of the connection parameters, see Configuring Adapter for JDBC Connections.
3. Click Return to webMethods Adapter for JDBC Connectionsto return to the main connections screen.