Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter for JDBC Connections | Configuring Database Common Connection Properties | Key Pair Authentication for Snowflake Database | Configuring Adapter Connection to Use Key Pair Authentication for Snowflake Database
Configuring Adapter Connection to Use Key Pair Authentication for Snowflake Database
In the Configure Connection Type > webMethods Adapter for JDBC page, perform the following steps to connect to Snowflake database:
1. Select the webMethods Adapter for JDBC SSL Connection as the Connection Type.
2. Specify database specific property settings in the Other Properties field:
*keyPairAuthN=true for key pair authentication.
*warehouse={WAREHOUSE_NAME} to specify the Snowflake database warehouse name.
For example, set Other Properties field to keyPairAuthN=true;warehouse=COMPUTE_WH.