Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Built-In Services | wm.adapter.wmjdbc.admin.service:update
The wm.adapter.wmjdbc.admin.service:update service updates the table name in the configured adapter services.
The wm.adapter.wmjdbc.admin.service:update service may take a long time to complete processing if an input package contains a large number of connections. This is because packages are reloaded at the end of the service, and a package with a large number of connections takes more time to reload. To improve the performance, disable the connections prior to executing the service.
By default, the wm.adapter.wmjdbc.admin.service:update service runs under simulation mode, that is, no actual changes are made to the corresponding JDBC service nodes, and only a check is performed if the service nodes can be updated successfully.
Input Parameters
Document List. Required. Array of input records. At least one input record is required and each input record has the following parameters:
String. Required. Name of the package containing the JDBC service nodes to be updated.
Document. Optional. Namespace filter in the form of text expression(s), which can be applied to selectively filter JDBC service nodes within the package specified by the packageName parameter. The namespace filter has the following parameters:
*patternStyle. String. Optional. Style of include or exclude text expression(s). The glob allows for glob-like expressions that are used in UNIX shell commands, whereas regex allows regular expressions as used by Java and Perl languages. Allowed values are:
*regex. Default.
*include. String List. Optional. Array of text expressions to include JDBC service nodes to be updated. The default is to include all JDBC service nodes matched by the connectionAlias parameter.
*exclude. String List. Optional. Array of text expressions to exclude JDBC service nodes from being updated. The default is to exclude none.
String. Required. Name of the connection alias. All JDBC service nodes matched by the namespace filter and having this connection alias are picked for an update.
Specifies the table configurations.
*tables. Document List. Required. Represents an array of tables which can be updated after selectively filtering the JDBC service nodes within the package specified by the packageName parameter, namespace specified by the nsFilter parameter, and connection specified by the connectionAlias parameter. Each input record has the following parameters:
*oldName. String. Required. Name of the table in the service node to be updated. All JDBC service nodes matched by the namespace filter, the connection alias filter and having the table name specified, are picked for an update.
*newName. String. Required. Name of the new table. The matched JDBC service nodes that are updated to use the new table name. The JDBC services associated with the old table name and the new table name must belong to the same provider package and should be of the same type.
String. Optional. Instructs the service to create a backup of the matched JDBC service nodes. Allowed values are true or false. Default value is false.
String. Optional. Instructs the service to run in simulation mode during which no changes are made to JDBC service nodes, and only a check is performed if a service node can be updated successfully or not. Allowed values are:
*false. Default.
Set simulate to false to persist the changes made to a JDBC service node.
Output Parameters
Document List. Required. Array of output records of the service corresponding to each input record. Each output record has the following parameters:
String. Required. Name of the package containing JDBC service nodes provided as an input to the service.
String. Required. Overall status of the service. Allowed values are:
*success. If all input JDBC service nodes could be updated successfully.
*fail. If all input JDBC service nodes could not be updated successfully.
String. Required. A detailed error message in case the service does not run properly.
Document. Required. Document listing the summary displaying how many JDBC service nodes in the input, filtered, matched, updated successfully and how many service nodes have skipped the update. Each record has the following parameters:
*total. String. Required. Total number of JDBC service nodes in the package.
*filtered. String. Required. Total number of JDBC service nodes in the package filtered according to the nsFilter parameter. If no nsFilter parameter is provided, the service includes all JDBC service nodes in the package.
*matched. String. Required. Filtered nodes which matched the connectionAlias input parameter.
*updated. String. Required. Matched nodes updated by the service.
*skipped. String. Required. Matched nodes that are not updated by the service.
Document List. Required. Array of JDBC service nodes which matched the filtering criteria. Each record has the following parameters:
*name. String. Required. Name of the service.
*message. String. Required. A detailed message in case the service node was skipped from update.