Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of the Adapter | Support for Synonyms | Synonym Support for Oracle Database
Synonym Support for Oracle Database
To enable synonym support for an Oracle database, you must specify connectionproperties={includeSynonyms=true} in the Other Properties field for the adapter connection. For information about configuring connections, see Configuring Adapter for JDBC Connections.
The following table lists the adapter services and notifications that support synonyms.
Adapter Services
Adapter Notifications
Basic Notification
Delete Notification
Insert Notification
Ordered Notification
Stored Procedure Notification
Update Notification
Consider the following limitations when using synonyms with adapter services:
*If you want to use synonyms for stored procedures, you cannot use the StoredProcedureWithSignature adapter service. Use the StoredProcedure service instead.
*The SelectSQL, DeleteSQL, InsertSQL, and Update SQL services support synonyms only for database tables and views.
For information about configuring adapter services, see Overview of Adapter Services. For information about configuring adapter notifications, see Overview of Adapter Notifications.