Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | JDBC Driver Specific Properties | Teradata | Limitations
Adapter IS Operating System/
Platform Affected
Limitation Description
Teradata V2R5 (Type 4)
All supported databases
*If you use the @ character in a table or column name, you will receive the following syntax error:
Expected something between the word 'SP$CHAR#TABLE' and '@'." while using in Insert service on Teradata.
*This driver does not support:
1. Services: BatchInsertSQL, BatchUpdateSQL
2. Notifications: InsertNotifications, UpdateNotifications, DeleteNotifications, and OrderedNotifications
3. XA_TRANSACTION connections
Teradata V2R6, R12.0, R13.0, R13.10, and R14.0 (Type 4)
All supported databases
This driver does not support:
1. Services: BatchInsertSQL, BatchUpdateSQL
2. Notifications: InsertNotifications, UpdateNotifications, DeleteNotifications, and OrderedNotifications
3. XA_TRANSACTION connections